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Lil' Adelaide Rollers
Est. 2010
Lil' Adelaide Rollers
Est. 2010

Historical News Feed
So it has been an amazingly busy few months here at LAR, we have been so busy that we are just now getting a chance to get the news all up to date.
Firstly I want to tell you all about the exciting events that are happening in the next few months, then we will do the recap, and you will need to read about all of the amazing that has been going on for LAR!
Coming Up:
The Rascals are heading to NSW to take on Blue Mountains Juniors on the 17th of October in Katoomba and we need your help.
We will be running the following fundraising events and holding sausage sizzles at Bunning Parafield during August and September.
Bunnings Sausage Sizzle Dates:
Monday 24th August
Monday 28th September
Friday 28th August LAR is 5 Years old and we are celebrating with an 80's Skate Party.
6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Kilburn Community Centre
58 Gladstone Avenue, Kilburn
September 13th will see Skööl of Blökk and Quad Monsters take to the track for their next battle.
Location: Lefevre Community Stadium, Victoria Road, Osborne.
Now for the Recap, here we go...
In May 10th we had our first game for the year, wow what a game. Skööl of Blökk played Quad Monsters for a amazingly hard fought game with the win going to Skööl of Blökk.
The final scores for the game were:
Skööl of Blökk - 208
Quad Monsters - 183
You can keep up to date with all of our game statistics on Flat Track Stats:
Skööl of Blökk -
Quad Monsters -
Next serve of Awesomsauce involved 8 skaters from Lil' Adelaide Rollers being select to represent Australia at the innaugural Junior Roller Derby World Cup hosted by the JRDA in Seattle Washington.
Dizzy Reaper #603
Hannah Monslamher #101
Luna Eclipse #32
Mini Tricks #1305
Roller Stomp-Her #38
Satans Rose #666
Snapperazzi #242
Teenage Rampage #1907
Team Aus played some amazing derby whilst in the USA, they represented Australia demonstrating a high level of skill and a much respected level of sportmanship. This not only showed the world what amazing athletes they are but also won the hearts of all who came in contact with the team.
Day 1 saw the four Teams (USA West, USA East, Canada & Australia) play short games to decide on the rankings for the final day of the tournament.
Day 1 Results:
Team Aus ( 36 ) v Team USA West ( 257 )
Team Aus ( 52 ) v Team USA East ( 227 )
Team Aus ( 73 ) v Team Canada ( 157 )
Day 2 Results:
Team Aus ( 72 ) v Team USA West ( 396 )
Team Aus ( 114 ) v Team Canada ( 258 )
Team Australia came 4th for the first Jr World Cup and thanks to Mama B and Helon Sundae for being amazing coaches and supporting the athletes from all over Australia throughout this wonderful experience.
And it doesn't end there!
August 1st saw the 4th Carly Ryan Fundraising event take place at LeFevre Community Stadium, this time round it was a Double Header. As with every year the Quad Monsters took to the track in black and Skööl of Blökk in white.
LAR donates profits from the games to the Carly Ryan Foundation, to help them continue to educate kids in online safety.
The first game saw the Quad Monsters Take on Skööl of Blökk for the Carly Ryan Game with the Quad Monsters taking the win.
Quad Monsters - 95
Skööl of Blökk - 83
The Main event game saw the Roller Rebels (LAR) take on Perth Junior Roller Derby (PJRD) for what turned out to be a hard played exciting game of roller derby.
The Roller Rebels are still undefeated with a convincing win over PJRD:
Roller Rebels - 412
Perth Junior Roller Derby - 86
Roller Rebels stats can be found on Flat Track Stats here:
The Roller Rebels game was to be the final game for Luna Eclipse #32 for Lil' Adelaide Rollers, Luna has been a massive part of Lil' Adelaide Rollers since joining in 2012. She has served as team captain for both Skööl of Blökk and the Roller Rebels during this time.
Luna is off to try out for the Adult leagues here in SA and we want to wish here the best of luck with her future league.
We will all be screaming for her from the sidelines and she continues on her Roller Derby Journey.

Luna 32.jpg

Luna Eclips #32 - LOGO STAR.jpg


Luna 32.jpg

Lil' Adelaide Rollers will be running the free come and try roller skating activity at Waugh in the West.
6th of February
St Clair Oval - 4:30 pm

First Team Australia Juniors Training was held at Derbyfest with all 8 LAR representatives there to take part.
The special trainer for this session was Serelson from Rose City.
All skaters were amazing.
Congratulations to the skaters blow who have made into the Team Australia Juniors Training Squad.
Dizzy Reaper #603
Hannah Monslamher #101
Luna Eclipse #32
Mini Tricks #1305
Roller Stomp-Her #38
Satans Rose #666
Snapperazzi #242
Teenage Rampage #1907
They will be training hard for the opportunity to be part of the final 20 skaters who will be going to Seattle to represent Australia.

Our next home game will be on November 23rd at Lefevre Community Stadium.
Make sure you come along and see the Skööl of Blökk Versus the Quad Monsters.
Thanks to everyone who made the 2014 Junior Roller Derby Carnival a massive success.
To all the Skaters who came and left it all on the track with a half day of amazing clinics followed by the Team Australia Tryouts. Day two saw some incredible Junior Roller derby played in 5 games throughout the day.
The Results of the games were:
Game 1 - Rascals (LAR) 154 v Juniorcorns (BMJRD) 137
Game 2 - Pirates 47 v Ninjas 254
Game 3 - Hobart Junior Roller Derby 302 v Team Queensland 193
Game 4 - Aliens 115 v Monsters 160
Game 5 - Roller Rebels (LAR) 369 v Little Brisbane Roller Girls 32
Game 5 was the first Sanctioned JRDA game in Australia.
Check out the awesome group of Junior Athletes that came to Carnival.
More photos are on the gallery page...... CHECK THEM OUT!

Our next event is the 2014 Carly Ryan Foundation Fundraiser.
2nd of August - Doors are at 4pm
Lefevre Community Stadium
Come cheer for your favourite teams in Black and White and support an amazing cause helping to educate and protect all of our kids on the internet.

The Rebels came out with a win 461 Roller Rebels to 9 Juniorcorns.
Thanks to everyone who made this event awesome!
12th July 2014 - LAR's Roller Rebels will be travelling to NSW to play Blue Mountains Juniorcorns.

Bout 1 - Saturday 10th May
Lefevre Recreation Centre

Suasage Sizzle to Raise Funds for Sydney Bout
Get on down and grab a Sausage at Foodland on Semaphore Road to help the Roller Rebels get over to play Blue Montains Junior Roller Derby in July.
And then see some awesome Kites at the Kite Festival.
VRDL Allstars come to train Lil' Adelaide Rollers
What an awesome full day clinic.
Lil' Adelaie Rollers had the pleasure of being trained by Mad Melarena and Skate Bush for an intense 6 hour skills boot camp.

Lil' Adelaide Rollers is Turning 3!
Come help us celebrate.
Saturday 31st August 2012
St Clair Rec Centre
6:30 - 8:30pm
$7 per skater.
Mad Hatter Theme - Prize for Best Hat!
Derby Down South
LAR Showcased Junior Roller Derby at the Seaford Casa Leisure Centre
Carly Ryan Fundaraising Bout - August 3rd
LeFevre Community Stadium - Victoria Road, Osborne
Dark Knights - 101
White Knights - 95
Thank you to everyone one who helped. supported and donated to a great cause
(see friends of LAR for links)
Every dollar raised will help send our Travel Team to Queensland for the first Interstate Junior Roller Derby Carnival.
$1 = 1 Lap of the Derby Track
Thanks to everyone for their help in us achieveing a total amount raised of $4215
Check out the New Poster - Big thanks to Mahala from Beachside Tattoo in Goolwa S.A.
Free Learn to Skate @ Kilburn Community Centre
*** Hire Skates are available ***
LAR's own Goobstar will be Jam Reffing at The Digi Dodgers vs Twin Towns
Roller Derby Bout in QLD - Sunday 28th April.
Give Skating A Go - Outdoor Skate Event
Saturday 13th April 10 am - 12 pm, Morphett Vale Park Netball Courts.
Adelaide Fringe 2013
Fringe @ Semaphore
Come check out the Lil' Rollers on Sunday the 24th of February.
1pm to 2pm
Semaphore Masonic Hall - Semaphore Road
Friday 15th February
Fringe Parade - Pre Parade
Lil' Adelaide Rollers were out in Green and Purple representing Junior Roller Derby.
Check out the pics in our Gallery!
January 29th
Skate for Carly's Day - Outdoor Skate - Semaphore Bike Track
st August
I would like to thank everyone for coming out to skate with the Lil' Rollers to celebrate Carly's Birthday. What an awesome turn out, 21 skaters!
Mama B
Keep checking back!

Latest News
January 2013
New Website Released

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